Add more info, images, scripts, iframes, or whatever else might tickle your fancy here. Duplicate as many of these column blocks as you like. Your not limited at two. Same goes for the right column content blocks.
Hello! My name is Cybrxa, and this is me and my friend's first website! This site was made by two highschoolers who were bored and were looking for something to do. This site is under construction as you are veiwing it.
The design for my website isn't made by me or my friend. INSTEAD, this website's theme/design was made by the lovely Themekings Team. I am using TECH-REDs 2012 Revamp (free theme) instead of its older version (also a free theme). I will make a link back (*When I finish making this website*) to the Themekings website so that I can properly give credit to the maker(s) of this website, and so that those who see my website can have acsess to Themekings websites and templates, too!
Again, once i have to time to do so, I WILL make a link back to the Themekings website so that I can give proper credit, and the other thing(s) stated in the last paragraph. Thanks for looking at me and my friends website! :)
Come back next time to see what appears here!